Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the best time i had with my famliy

I remember when one time i was with my family and we went down to mexico.We had such a great time down there it was beautiful down there and nice and warm.The only bad part was when every time you went to go to the ocean but i didnt let that bring me down.All the places we went were so awesome it was gorgouse we saw a waterfall and hiked to several diffrent other places.I even caught a barracuda when we took a boat tour for the 2nd time.We saw 2 dolfins to and the first boat tour we saw a flying fish.The time in mexico was great i want to go there again someday.

Monday, April 28, 2008

There is a girl in my school who I feel really sorry for.Her so called "friend" always talks behind her back.She says she wishes she had better friends and I don't blame her at least she has some friends who stick up for her and don't talk behind her back.I just hope that god helps her.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


water can b found nearly anywere.water is what we drink.water is in the water cycle.water is clear.water can b found under and above ground,in the air,and in stoage.there u have it were water can be found it can b found in the atmoshere 2.if u r reading this my teacher made me write about plus water is wet.water is hot or

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

water cycle

I'm going to talk about the water cycle.The water cycle is a cycle of water in witch it is evaporated then comes down as parcipitation.You can find water in many places.

Monday, April 21, 2008

There are some kids in my school who think they are gangters. It cracks me up to see them go around and act like they are so tough. they back talk some people but its still funny. I dont have a problem with these people they alright at least they dont think they are above everyone else they just backtalk I do sometimes to so I dont have a problem with them. I dont have a problem with anyone in my school exept the kids who think they are so popular and say thing like all you talk about is so and so well if they dont like ARE conversation maybe THEY should stop EASE DROPING. The kids who think they are gangsters its realy funny because there moms drop them off at school if they were gangsters they wouldnt have there mom droping them off at school saying "have a good day sweety I love you" get my point its really funny.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I don't know the funniest thing that's ever happened to me before. There has been lots of funny things that have happened and most of them my friends were there to share the moment.Now when I say something was really funny I don't mean it was just laugh its over they were ROFL(rolling on the floor laughing) moments to me. O.K. now this wasn't as funny as some other times and it is a just a laugh.One time I was at my friends house and she has a little sister about one who we could not get to leave us alone for one minute finally my friend came up with plan to pretend to go to sleep when she came in and that worked for a little while then she started messing with stuff(my hair) and found out that we weren't asleep.Then we tried barricading the doors but then she started to cry so we let her in and then convinced her to leave for a while so then we hid under the beds but she found me and started pulling my hair again.The next time she left so me and my friend started hiding in the closet and Landry hamper.Now we got her to leave us alone but as soon as she started to leave and I saw a huge spider o.k. it wasn't huge but I hate spiders and started screaming then my friends little sister head'rd me and started pulling my hair again but that didn't matter I was freaked out about the spider, and my friend was laughing her head off it was pretty funny

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I REALLY REALLY hate it when people think they are so popular and just back talk everbody.This is my pet peve like when the people who think the are so much better than everbody go up and just say "you should give that to me" then they go and insult you all the time it is so annoying.I wish that these sertain people would realize that they are no better than the rest of us. people like this need to realize that when they do this they aren't impressing the rest of us they are just ticking us off. And now it is worse there are headlines making the news about the most so called popular girl in school beating up some other girl. Now that probably would'nt be the case here but they need to realize they arn't impressing anyone