Thursday, April 17, 2008

I don't know the funniest thing that's ever happened to me before. There has been lots of funny things that have happened and most of them my friends were there to share the moment.Now when I say something was really funny I don't mean it was just laugh its over they were ROFL(rolling on the floor laughing) moments to me. O.K. now this wasn't as funny as some other times and it is a just a laugh.One time I was at my friends house and she has a little sister about one who we could not get to leave us alone for one minute finally my friend came up with plan to pretend to go to sleep when she came in and that worked for a little while then she started messing with stuff(my hair) and found out that we weren't asleep.Then we tried barricading the doors but then she started to cry so we let her in and then convinced her to leave for a while so then we hid under the beds but she found me and started pulling my hair again.The next time she left so me and my friend started hiding in the closet and Landry hamper.Now we got her to leave us alone but as soon as she started to leave and I saw a huge spider o.k. it wasn't huge but I hate spiders and started screaming then my friends little sister head'rd me and started pulling my hair again but that didn't matter I was freaked out about the spider, and my friend was laughing her head off it was pretty funny

1 comment:

the cool spot said...

I this is me i just want you to know that this artticle is hilaryus i think the picture will get people to read it. GOOD JOB!