Monday, May 5, 2008

Eight Bells Breaks Down at derby

May 1st was a dark day for the owners off Eight Bells who lost her life in the sport of kings.Horse racing is a dangerous sport for both the jockey and most important the horse Eight Bells was right behind the leader when it happend she could have easily won against the boys but had the same tradgic fate of Ruffian only diffrent she broke both her ankels and both cannon bones.Number 5 is also the same number as ruffian and Eight Bells had when they were on the track the day that they ment the end of there life.So now so many people are wondring what has caused the death of so many race horses some think its the ground,others think its the breeding I think that its the drugs they give them then when they have a crack in there bone they run and run so that they break it.When Ruffian died she hit her leg on the gate so when she kept running it finnaly broke no one knows why Eight Bells broke down.

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