Monday, May 12, 2008

My News

For some of my past post I have typed about current evnts happening around the world but today I will be typing about events that are happening around me.First off my mare foaled and the baby was great but after 2 days the colt came down sick but my mother caught him just in time we had to give him I.V. bags after a little while he felt a lot better he now is running around and playing we should have had two other colts but the mares lost thier colts to rhino and this colt was healthy but had no imune system no colt does for the first month of thier life.Another thing is that I got to spend the weekend with my bff's house and we had a lot of fun.First we went and saw her baby chicks they were really cute.After that we went to feed thier bum calves Pixie,Dixie, and buba they were really cute except Dixie we had to pretty much tackle him to get him to take the bottle.We also went to go see the horses and my friend's mare peanut she loved me she wouldn't quit following us it was funny I really enjoyed that mare she was very sweet.There were two other horses that really liked me to thier names were pecos and chic chick was a redish color and pecos was a bay color with some other color mixed in he was very pretty marked.I had a very good weekend me and my friend had such a good time it was really fun and on monday I had a doctors appointment and after that I got my hair cut pretty short I got it cut about to my shoulders because it is curly and scrunches up then I got some jeans because I am running low I enjoyed that to kinda my friend didnt know were I was so she was kinda asking me about where I had been well thats all that has been going on around me so now you know about my news so thank you for reading.

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